ZZZ (Sleep) Spray: A Natural Solution
Sleep disorders severely compromise human health, affecting several million persons worldwide and burdening the healthcare system. Several external and intrinsic factors can impact sleep initiation, and biologicals can tackle some of them. Limitations of Traditional Sleep Medications Several pharmaceuticals have been applied for sleeping, but several of them are not natural drugs and have substantial […]
Immune Defense Spray
Fortifying the First Line of Defense Several pathogens invade our bodies through the upper airway tract, like nasal and oral cavities. Therefore, “fortifying” the immune system in this area can benefit us. In the last decades, much effort has been applied to understanding mucosal immunology, particularly in the nares, and nowadays, we know that this […]
Super Sexy Spray
Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is a complex and multifactorial condition comprising hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD), and sexual pain. Sexual responsiveness in females is believed to be the result of a complex interplay between excitatory and inhibitory neuromodulatory processes, with dopamine, melanocortins, norepinephrine, and oxytocin identified as relevant excitatory components. […]
Indications/Uses: Selank: AnxiolyticIt does not have addiction or “hangover “effectsEffects GABAergic system GABAaSupports cognitive function (nootropic effect)Immune support- antiviral, anti-cancerAdaptogenicInflammatory regulationGastric ulcer accelerated healingAnecdotally to improve post-meal digestive issuespt. Initials: PE-22-28 Mood modulatorPE-22-28 peptide represents a versatile and groundbreaking tool in the pursuit of innovative solutions to a wide range of challenging health issues. It […]
Indications/Uses: Other Uses:
Indications/Uses: Selank: Semax:
NAD+/BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor)/AlphaGPC
Indications/Uses: NAD+ BDNF Alpha GPC (L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine)